If you are like us, summer holidays means routines go out the window and getting your kids to brush their teeth every morning is a struggle! We've all been there.

Tie it to another habit. One of the best ways to make teeth brushing a habit is to tie it to another one. Take something they already do in the morning, like getting dressed, for example, and add on tooth brushing. It works well for adults and children.
Let them see you brush your teeth every morning. We've all heard Monkey See Monkey Do. If you brush your teeth and you comment on how bad your teeth feel when you don't brush their teeth, your child will likely start to feel the same.
Create a sticker/chore chart. Pin up a chart in an area they see often. When they brush their teeth each day, they get a sticker for that day. Stickers are often a great incentive! We've made a chart you can use -> get it here!
Make it fun! Get a tooth brush and tooth paste that has their favourite character on it. Sing a silly song, do a little boogies while you brush.
Keep their tooth brush somewhere they can see it. Out of site out of mind. Well, if your child's tooth brush is hidden away in a cupboard or drawer, they may not think about it.
One mom suggests playing your child's favourite music every morning while they brush. Instead of nagging, have some music time in the morning as a cue to brush. The beauty is the length of a song is often the same amount of time you need to brush your teeth.
Let us know if this works! And what you do to get your kids to remember to brush!
Need a Summer Food Idea?
Getting fish in your diet is great for your overall health, and as you know, we are all about keeping your whole body healthy! Dr. Rob recently tried these tasty lemon dill salmon skewers from Dr. Rob's favourite Butcher - Happy Mango! They were amazing!

Let us know if you try them and how you like them!
Speaking of Happy Mango, a few weeks ago Dr. Rob picked up two $100 Gift Certificates for Happy Mango Butcher to giveaway to our awesome patients for the Canada Day Weekend. There are two ways you can enter.
The draw in the office. Write your name on a piece of paper and put it in the box and on June 29th, 2022 we will draw 1 winner.
On social media (instagram or facebook). Share our giveaway to your post or stories, tag us, and tell us what you'd make with the yummy food you get with the $100 gift certificate.

Good Luck! and we hope to see your name in our draws!
A special thanks to Happy Mango for their amazing food and service! We always feel like VIPs when we go there!
Enjoy the last month of school! We hope you are enjoying this fantastic weather!